natural resources

Gravity energy storage is emerging as a viable solution to address a major challenge of solar and wind power which is intermittent supply.


They will play a critical role in storing and delivering power from renewable energy consistently and according to demand.


It’s hoped the launch of the Pacific Academy of Sciences will lead to a stronger voice for Pacific science at both regional and global levels.


By using urban runoff more wisely, cities could solve the twin problems of urban waterlogging and depleted urban groundwater resources.


The increase in cancer rates globally has been linked to prolonged exposure to environmental contaminants.


The best solution is prevention and a sustainable tourism plan goes a long way in managing the expectations of people and protecting the environment.


The push for large-scale monoculture plantations of oil palm is taking a toll on the environment and on people’s economic and social security.


The export of green development projects taps the long-standing domestic strategy of ‘ecological civilisation’.


Despite voters waiting in 45-degree heat to cast their ballots, Indian democracy is yet to breed a new category of ‘climate voters’.


Houses should be able to withstand wildfires thus allowing firefighters to spend their time fighting the blaze rather than evacuating residents.


The most important issue for India is to grow sustainably while adhering to its international climate commitments and keeping its energy constraints in mind.
