
The 10 countries with the highest percentage of deaths linked to PM2.5 in 2019.


Heat and air pollution are becoming bigger problems in many parts of the world.


Regular stakeholder consultation is needed to address climate change and lessen pollution-related health impacts.


As climate change makes smog and bushfires more common, people will die from air pollution at increasingly high rates – especially in densely populated cities.


Bushfire seasons are beginning earlier and lasting longer – and that’s taking a toll on firefighters’ health.


Across the region, it’s never been more critical to cultivate a resilient healthcare workforce capable of addressing climate-induced public health issues.


Deadly diseases carried by mosquitoes are spreading due to weather brought about by climate change. A bacteria-based solution could be key to fighting back.


Healthcare providers have cut through in the fight against online misinformation — leaning on compassion, humour and digital savvy to reach users.


Russia’s experience has shown that the technology can help in reducing carbon emissions but making it widely available will take time.


Nuclear energy has been declining in importance as a source of power and SMRs will not reverse that.


Increasing use of social media and smartphones often cops the blame for an increase in youth mental health issues but the reality is not so simple.
