Special Report

Using fun elements such as challenges, goals and rewards, games are playing a significant role in learning, lifestyle management and disease awareness.


In the move to a more sustainable and safer future, tackling road accident injuries and fatalities will require a more concerted effort.


Cyber scams are rising globally, targeting the vulnerable, especially youth. Understanding tactics and regional efforts is key to a safer cyberspace.


The Myanmar civil war is precariously poised and much depends on China to stabilise the situation.


COP29 faces some big hurdles to get to the agreements it needs.


They will play a critical role in storing and delivering power from renewable energy consistently and according to demand.


The world is on track to hurtle past the Paris Agreement’s global warming limits. Australia’s average warming has already increased 1.5C.


The Indian government continues to enhance its legal and regulatory powers over the country’s media outlets.


Are educators, societies and governments prepared to accept and address the changes brought on by the arrival of AI in education?


Reclaimed water is becoming an attractive option for ensuring water security.


Greater investments in science, technology and innovative practices can transform food systems, and ensure steady supplies, nutrition, and access
