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At a time of low trust in news and widespread misinformation, 360info delivers verified and reliable information to as many publishing, broadcasting and civic society outlets as possible. It is not a breaking news or commentary service nor a consumer-facing website driven by clicks. 360 operates as a “wire agency” supplying contextual and explanatory news features ready-for-publication on other publisher’s outlets at no cost under Creative Commons.

  • 360info addresses the world’s key challenges as broadly defined by the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. But goes further by providing research-driven solutions.
  • 360info is an independent nonprofit public information service with headquarters in Melbourne hosted at Monash University which has provided our foundational funding. Monash is Australia’s largest and most globally connected university with campuses around the world.
  • 360info collaborates with many experts, but commissions only from academic authors with relevant and demonstrable research expertise.

As an independent not-for-profit, all 360info content is free to republish, edit, remix or translate under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International. A Charter governs the transparency, accuracy and reliability of our content. You can reach us at


To ensure a diversity of perspectives around a topic, our Special Reports are a collection of articles written by a number of expert scholars simultaneously chosen from multiple countries.

Our content creation process starts with our editors working with advisers to jointly decide what to cover and how.

Our focus is to better explain world challenges, and offer (where applicable) research-driven solutions and best practice.

We seek advice from leading researchers and experts (sometimes non-academic) in the field, with a focus on balancing Global South representation. Those experts ensure our articles are on topics that are relevant to the global community and based upon current, agreed research information.

Once we agree an article brief, our editors commission. Our professional editors edit to ensure readable, accessible, high-quality news and analysis stories in collaboration with experts. Authors have final sign-off.

To build confidence in the reliability of our content, every article discloses the author’s research expertise, who funds the research, and any real or potential conflicts. Authors and editors are subject to our Charter and Editorial Guidelines.