
If a child you love (or teach) is neurodivergent, learning about ”neurodiversity-affirming’’ approaches can help you better understand and support them.


Interventions like art therapy in schools benefit neurodivergent students and their neurotypical peers by promoting empathy and different ways of communicating.


Autistic and ADHDer girls face distinct challenges at school. There are a number of research-backed ways they could be better understood and supported in class.


School refusal, or ‘school can’t’, disproportionately impacts neurodivergent students. It is crucial responses to the phenomenon take their needs into account.


Training can empower teachers to become advocates for children with disabilities as well as curriculum reformers.


Inclusive mainstream schooling is often better than segregated education for students with special needs. But for it to work, several key issues must be fixed.


Malaysia’s education system can better support students with dyslexia by acknowledging the different ways of teaching.


Exam paper leaks cause immense damage to the psychological state of India’s younger generation in pursuit of a better, more progressive future.


The extreme pressure on students to compete sometimes results in students taking extreme steps such as taking their lives.


Preschoolers are embracing AI to teach them, preparing for a tech-driven future.


The National Education Policy provides the BJP and RSS ample scope to reshape the institutional architecture of education.
