medical research

Brain-machine interfaces can decipher thoughts and help give some coma survivors a voice. But first we must ensure they’re responsive.


360info is looking into how far brain-machine interface research has come and what is currently at the forefront of science and technology.


Emissions that meet air-quality standards still cause illness and early death. Planning decisions need to help drive down exposure.


AI offers a lot for the world of medical research, but the challenges that it brings need to be considered.


The quest to discover how diseases develop in humans has been hamstrung by high costs and access to large enough datasets. Scientists are racing to change that.


Everyone sleeps, but we have few tools for measuring the sleep the world is getting at scale. AI and sleep could help us study global shocks in near-real time.


Artificial intelligence can help spot the early signs of deteriorating patients in hospital wards, but its application is yet to be tested.


Indonesia’s growth as a medical research hub will only go as far as its capacity to power its public health facilities. AI could speed up the process.


Finding potential new drugs is becoming faster and cheaper, thanks to artificial intelligence, but challenges remain.


Indonesia’s dengue fever outbreaks are increasingly frequent. Artificial Intelligence can help to predict where the next hotspot will be.


Artificial intelligence can help predict mutations in COVID-19. Some have achieved a perfect strike rate.
