
Current drug laws focus on criminalisation, causing high incarceration rates and poor outcomes. Reform is needed to prioritise harm reduction and treatment.


Australian researchers urge prioritising evidence-based solutions and incorporating Indigenous experiences to tackle rising gender-based violence cases.


India is behind in handling intimate partner violence. Getting on top of the problem requires reform in law, health policy and changing attitudes.


There are exceptions in India’s current round of electioneering rhetoric against Muslims that prove the country is still united in diversity.


Two recent high profile defamation cases have shone a spotlight on the media’s use of the truth defence in Australia.


The sanctity of a marriage provides no protection to interfaith couples and those in live-in relationships are even more vulnerable


India’s new code throws into doubt whether its citizens are truly protected from the arbitrary exercise of power by public officials.


Efforts to address social issues risk being co-opted for political gain or used to further divisive agendas.


The reshaping of constitutionally guaranteed freedoms by bringing young adults’ sexual choices under the radar of the state has sinister implications.


Sexual deepfake abuse silences women causing lasting harm, and laws to protect them are inconsistent.


AI’s integration in the arts and creative industries sparks debates on ethics and innovation, challenging traditional artistic boundaries.
