
There’s a lot of fearmongering around children and their interactions with digital technology, but the truth is more nuanced.


New data shows how much Australians have turned away from news content, but the figures also offer clues as to what can get them back.


There are exceptions in India’s current round of electioneering rhetoric against Muslims that prove the country is still united in diversity.


Print and electronic media are coping admirably with the upheavals being wrought by social media.


The Australian government’s battle with Elon Musk and X over violent content appears admirable, but will it change anything for those vulnerable to its harm?


Deepfakes are threatening privacy and security. Detection methods using deep learning aim to combat this but there’s a long way to go.


Sexual deepfake abuse silences women causing lasting harm, and laws to protect them are inconsistent.


Data showed the view of the Indonesian government was not very prominent in the news.


Malaysia faces a surge in cyber attacks, prompting the need for a national cybersecurity commission.


As cyber attacks increase, healthcare providers risk a loss of patient trust if they cannot guarantee information security.


Laws and policies must keep up with ever-evolving cyber threats to personal privacy and national security.
