international (foreign) trade

Despite an international treaty to prevent illegal trade in wild animals, the industry is worth billions. The treaty needs an overhaul.


The issues that led Sri Lanka to become an economic basket case in 2022 serve as a warning for other nations.


Souring diplomatic relations between the world’s leading economies and biggest polluters could supercharge the race to net zero.


Adaptation, mitigation, and negotiation will be on the agenda as the world gathers in Sharm el-Sheikh for the 27th Conference of the Parties climate meeting.


As nations meet to consider an international agreement on the trade in arms, lessons from the EU are ready to be learned.


The United Nations Arms Trade Treaty has mixed success, but its aims remain worth supporting.


If the Arms Trade Treaty’s many signatories reaffirm their commitment to the agreement’s aims, they could start to see real change.


Global leaders who style themselves as military strong men may weaken United Nations negotiations over the trade in arms.


The global trade in arms is worth more than two trillion dollars. A UN conference this week aims to bring more oversight to this deadly industry.


All corners of the planet are en route to better internet access, helping send the traditional language barriers plaguing global trade tumbling.
