economic policy

COVID-19 triggered a massive increase in government debt, mainly in low-income countries. But it would be economically wrong to put all the blame on COVID.


The issues that led Sri Lanka to become an economic basket case in 2022 serve as a warning for other nations.


When nations get caught in spiralling debt, it’s future generations who will end up paying the price.


Singapore doesn’t struggle with traffic jams the way other cities do. It hit upon a winning strategy in the 1970s and stuck to it.


Israel fights congestion in Tel-Aviv with sophisticated road tolls and a ‘HOT’ lane.


Ants can teach us a lot about dealing with traffic congestion but there is one stumbling block.


China’s economic and family planning policies of the 1970s ushered in a ‘golden age’ of growth. But as China ages, keeping it golden will be a challenge.


The benefits of a growing demographic are not guaranteed. Governments need to ensure the right tools are in place as well.


India’s inflation problem is making hunger worse and attempts to fix inflation may just add to poverty.


Encouraging work abroad schemes could help Pacific Island nations to steer their way clear of crippling debt.


Rising debt and declining income seem to add up to an austere future for Pacific Island nations. But belt-tightening may make things worse.
