
COVID-19 further exposed existing cracks in the teaching profession which need to be fixed urgently.


The class of 2020-2022 will forever be defined by COVID-19. The impact of the pandemic students and teachers continue to this day.


In much of the world, myths regarding childbirth mean women experience more pain than they could. Education is key.


To make the most of the global wave of young people, young nations will have to learn from surfers and paddle hard.


Too much emphasis on children knowing how to read the words does not make reading meaningful.


Converting classrooms into an all English-speaking environment takes away children’s opportunities to develop crucial skills in their home languages.


Women’s rights are more than a moral crusade, the lives of thousands of women and children hang on a woman’s ability to make her own choices.


The tobacco industry profits from child labour and sky-high youth smoking rates in Indonesia. Young people are fighting back.
