agricultural research and technology

We may punch above our weight when it comes to research, but we certainly don’t in realising the commercial impact from it.


For lab-grown meat to be a global success it needs to be accepted by consumers in both Western and Eastern countries.


Attracting much-needed investment into the blue economy can be spurred by tailor-made initiatives.


Cost, availability and sample preservation are the main concerns but progress is rapid.


Advances in the field are revolutionary but require safeguards to curb misuse.


As climate change enters uncharted territory, we will need all the skills of the past, and some from the future, to keep feeding the world.


The world’s farmers grow crops for food as well as other uses. Those other uses threaten to crowd out our chance to feed the world’s hungry.


Global perspectives on the state of intellectual property


The world currently has only 10 weeks of wheat supplies left, a far cry from the three to seven years of food supply the Incas kept in storage.


Reducing the biodiversity footprint of food consumption requires immediate and widespread action
