El Nino returns

Breaking the menopause taboo

Women live an average of 30 years after menopause. Normalising menopause as a life event requires greater research, investment and cultural acceptance.

El Niños often mean droughts and fires for some countries and flooding rains for others. As impacts worsen with climate change, is the world prepared?


Current evidence suggests both El Niño and La Niña could change significantly over the next 70 years, which will have consequences for how they impact us.


Reports of a possible ‘super El Niño’ this year might have been greatly exaggerated.


El Niño’s origins are in the Pacific Ocean, but its impacts reach around the globe. Learn how it works and how countries are affected with our interactive map.


Dr Kimberley Reid provides an explainer of the climatic phenomenon known as El Niño.


India’s vital monsoon rains can be disrupted by an El Niño which is a major concern for crop production.


Hotter, drier conditions associated with El Niño can be detrimental to our health. These tips may help.


The dry weather could result in prolonged droughts and haze affecting millions across the region as it did in 2015.


Dr Kimberley Reid provides an explainer of the climatic phenomenon known as El Niño.
