
Breaking the menopause taboo

Women live an average of 30 years after menopause. Normalising menopause as a life event requires greater research, investment and cultural acceptance.

Millions face heat stroke risk as Haj coincides with Mecca’s hottest month. Elderly pilgrims and those with chronic illnesses are most vulnerable.


As with any environmental disaster, the impact of heat stress hits the poorer harder than the privileged.


The global sea level rise due to the melting ice poses a serious threat to low-lying coastal areas including those in the tropics.


Sea ice around the Antarctic has shrunk and is responding to the atmosphere differently. The challenge is to work out why.


The signs 2023 would be a record breaker were there from the start. 360info has the statistics.


It’s a myth that you’re safe from bushfires in the suburbs. If you’re near any type of wild vegetation such as bush or grasslands, your property may be at risk.


Domestic violence can increase amid bushfires. With fires only set to intensify under climate change, authorities must prepare.


Who’s leading the race to develop electric vehicles in Southeast Asia? The answer is complicated.


Malaysia has bold plans to rapidly transform its energy system to solar. So far, the signs are good.


El Niños often mean droughts and fires for some countries and flooding rains for others. As impacts worsen with climate change, is the world prepared?


Current evidence suggests both El Niño and La Niña could change significantly over the next 70 years, which will have consequences for how they impact us.
