unrest, conflicts and war

India’s warm foreign relations with some Muslim states may have prevented youngsters from joining ISIS ranks.


Widespread joblessness explains why Punjab’s migrants resort to desperate means to reach their final destinations.


The onus is on the Indian government to follow transparent labour migration processes for West Asia.


Youth anger in India has changed from collective action for a better society to competitive religiosity and hatred.


Faced by an enemy with military superiority and deep resources, Ukrainians have adopted innovation to defend their country.


When is anti-Zionism anti-semitism?


Myanmar’s formal peace efforts have traditionally involved only men. It’s time for that to change.


There should be more women at the negotiation table to achieve gender equality and inclusiveness in peace processes.


Refugee women are crucial to building peace in Myanmar. Yet their experience has rarely been valued.


Two NATO powers have plans to bring Putin to justice over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, but a different approach offers a clearer path to prosecution.


As nations meet to consider an international agreement on the trade in arms, lessons from the EU are ready to be learned.
