
An AI-powered world in which teachers have more free time and more information on how to help students isn’t far away, but ethical challenges must be managed.


The poor miss out when teaching goes online, leaving millions without proper education.


COVID-19 devastated school learning, especially for marginalised students, but resourceful principals have shown how they can make a difference.


The class of 2020-2022 will forever be defined by COVID-19. The impact of the pandemic students and teachers continue to this day.


Prestige drove Indonesian universities to open their research to the world. Now they need to tidy their files.


The technology can help circumvent traditional barriers to women’s empowerment.


The home and the classroom by themselves often may not offer the best environment for getting adolescents to read.


Despite government-mandated education, too many Indians remain unable to read and write. It’s time to revisit the policies.
