
A wellbeing economy places people and the planet at the centre of creating a healthier society.


Comparisons show people’s subjective happiness does not always correlate with the United Nations Development Programme’s measurement of development.


The failures of free market fundamentalism and neoliberalism are based on a series of flawed economic assumptions. There is another way.


Measurements of happiness are often tied to culture. The sufficiency economy philosophy rooted in Thai policies is no exception.


For future economic growth, Asian economies need effective policy interventions to foster, not limit, competition and innovation.


Republicanism was seen as a move against Queen Elizabeth II during her reign. Now the Commonwealth is at a crossroads.


Support for the monarchy across Australia, Canada and New Zealand varies widely, and reveals a lot about how citizens view themselves.


The success of Yogyakarta’s bid to be recognised as a UNESCO Historical City Centre would benefit Indonesia’s last remaining sultanate.


Despite limited powers, constitutional monarchies can directly influence democratic nations, and Japan is no exception.


As Charles is set to be crowned it’s unclear if he’s inherited the love felt for his mother or whether it’s time for Australian republicans to stage a new push.


There are other legislations and programmes to help prevent suicide other than criminalising suicide attempts.
