social issue

A growing economy does not always mean a nation is doing well. Measuring wellbeing, and implementing policies to address that, fills that gap.


A transition to an economy that benefits everyone and the planet is not easy, but it can happen.


School plays a significant role in reducing child marriage in Africa.


Time-starved internet users are developing strategies to cope with misinformation. Understanding how they do it can shape news coverage moving forward.


Digital activism has helped women find their voices but, as in the real world, they are still subject to harassment online.


Exploring the challenges of our time where scientists are racing against the problems reaching a point of no-return.


Tourism isn’t the problem, mass consumption is. Here’s how we can shift the dial.


English has become the dominant language used across global business, science, diplomacy and the internet, but it creates an unfair advantage.


Commercial food production anywhere in the world requires significant government subsidies. India is no exception.


Without accurate and timely gender data, resources may be wasted in programs that do not work.


Missing gender data means Indonesia’s development programs are poorly targeted, hindering gender mainstreaming goals enacted 22 years ago.
