
The global sea level rise due to the melting ice poses a serious threat to low-lying coastal areas including those in the tropics.


What does the future of Antarctica look like in a changing world and geopolitical climate?


Are universities fit for purpose in the 21st century?


Australian public universities tout themselves as bastions of innovation and driving forces behind economic growth, but their cultures are getting in the way.


We may punch above our weight when it comes to research, but we certainly don’t in realising the commercial impact from it.


From climate change to collaborating better with industry, universities are facing a range of challenges. Here are some ways they might respond.


The  Aurora Australis isn’t the only amazing astronomical event spicing up our night sky this year. Here are some others to watch for.


Not all Antarctic sea ice is the same. And the finer details are what scientists need to know more about to understand its impact on the climate system.


Better ways to address the global diabetes crisis are urgently needed.


Stargazers rejoice, the Geminid meteor shower reaches its peak later this week, and this year’s sky show is particularly spectacular.


See what the view of the Geminid meteor shower will be like near where you live across the Indo-Pacific.
