political dissent

After weeks of violence, Bangladesh has purged itself of a leader who was increasingly seen as autocratic. But the nation’s new leaders face massive challenges.


Instead of adopting a tough foreign policy line, India must work to regain Bangladeshi people’s trust lost earlier.


The brutal crackdown on student protesters revealed the totalitarian aims of the prime minister and the resilience of belief in democratic freedoms.


The 2021 overthrow of the democratically elected government of Myanmar and the ensuing civil conflict has unlocked new ways of imagining its political future.


Vladimir Putin’s reputation was built on fighting terrorism, yet a month after the deadly Crocus City Hall attack, his policies make Russia more exposed to it.


Can the return of exiled politicians ignite hope for Thai democracy and reshape its political landscape?


As Vladimir Putin wins another term in the Kremlin, his use of sham elections to legitimise his control poisons democracy’s value globally.


While more and more of the country’s voters now live in urban areas, the bulk is still in the countryside. Does this effect voting behaviour?


Don’t look now, but if you’re worried about the state of democracies now, just wait until next year.


Political meddling and state violence could break Bangladesh’s fragile hold on democracy.


Laws restricting basic freedoms may be made in the name of public order and national security, but they are often used against dissident voices.
