parent and child

Malaysia’s education system can better support students with dyslexia by acknowledging the different ways of teaching.


Baby apps can boost your confidence — but research shows the potential pitfalls include feeling judged, and coming to rely on app data as a measure of success.


There’s a lot of fearmongering around children and their interactions with digital technology, but the truth is more nuanced.


Many parts of society need to come together to better address the problems caused by loneliness in later life.


Reducing exposure to violence and positive parenting are critical to suicide prevention among Indian youth.


The extreme pressure on students to compete sometimes results in students taking extreme steps such as taking their lives.


The first 1,000 days of a child’s life is among their most important, but a huge number of Australian parents are struggling to make ends meet.


More and more children are growing up with robots at home, but their impact on early learning and development is still largely unknown and unregulated.


In 2021, more than 20,000 babies were born following over 100,000 initiated Assisted Reproductive Technology cycles in Australia and New Zealand.


Living with daughters can help lower gender wellbeing inequality in old age. But for that, cultural traditions in Asian societies need to change.


All the gender inequalities Australian women encounter over the course of their lives leaves them more susceptible to poverty and poorer mental health than men.
