news media

New data shows how much Australians have turned away from news content, but the figures also offer clues as to what can get them back.


How AI is helping spread fake news and misinformation but it could also be used to fight this spread.


A revised code of ethics overseen by the government rightly raises concerns about press freedom in Malaysia. There is an alternative solution.


If we criminalise, dismiss, or sideline journalism that tells inconvenient truths, we will destroy our capacity for sensible public debate.


The next generation of news consumers in Indonesia don’t trust the media. Fixing the problem might require a re-think of how news is written and delivered.


In Malaysia’s post-truth era, information overload and manipulation hinder informed decision-making, demanding media literacy solutions.


Print and electronic media are coping admirably with the upheavals being wrought by social media.


Press freedom in India has been badly hit by the gobbling up of media platforms by a few large companies.


Freedom of the press, a cornerstone of democracy, is under attack around the world, just when we need it more than ever.


News outlets relied for so long on advertising to sustain them, they could never recover once it went elsewhere.


Two recent high profile defamation cases have shone a spotlight on the media’s use of the truth defence in Australia.
