
The Indo-Pacific has much to lose as global events hinder international cooperation on sustainable development, but it also shows promising examples of success.


Malaysia has touted its employment law reform as a crackdown on modern slavery, but it could all unravel without a few fixes.


The reported horrors faced by some migrant workers in Thailand’s fisheries point to a crisis affecting the world.


The exploitation of workers is a global problem but the issues leading up to the men’s FIFA World Cup have sparked a global conversation about what can be done.


Nearly 40 million women have left the workforce in India since the turn of the millennium despite an economic boom. Now, there’s a window to reverse the trend.


The pandemic forced workers to jump to other sectors where they found better prospects. There are no quick fixes to bring them back.


Although trade unions are widespread in China, conditions for rural-to-urban migrant workers haven’t improved as fast as they have for local urban employees.
