environmental pollution

The dry weather could result in prolonged droughts and haze affecting millions across the region as it did in 2015.


While the hype around deep sea mining is real, there may be unintended consequences that will come with it.


Gaining social legitimacy of deep sea mining should consider who makes the decisions and how.


If unchecked, deep sea mining could impact fish stocks and Pacific Island communities along with it.


Deep sea mining is about to get the green light and companies itching to exploit it have a head start on authorities.


The regulatory body for deep sea mining is under pressure to accept mining applications, but what are the risks?


Whether microplastic particles cause long-term damage is uncertain but reducing our exposure to them will be wise.


There is no escape from them as they are in the air we breathe and in the everyday products we use.


Measuring microplastics in humans is challenging but researchers already have preliminary figures.


To reduce the threat of microplastics in our bodies, we need to reduce the use of plastics in the environment.


Scientists are warning against grave long-term consequences.
