
Attracting much-needed investment into the blue economy can be spurred by tailor-made initiatives.


Colonial planning was about attracting people to Kolkata, post-colonial planning is more about crisis management.


Viewing nature as a commodity has long been the norm but giving it legal rights may force a change of outlook across the world.


The recognition of natural entities as living persons has generated awareness but its contribution to their legal protection remains uncertain.


Maps and charts showing the progress of laws to protect rights of nature show that countries are taking different approaches to saving ecosystems.


Building resilience by sharing Indigenous knowledge on climate change strategies can benefit all Australians.


In Malaysia, the Indigenous concept of badi is not superstition or taboo, it’s about respecting the land, environment and wildlife to avoid negative impacts.


Harnessing the value of open data requires reflection on who benefits most.


Lessons from the ethical clothing movement, forest stewardship and other transparency initiatives could help end illegal fishing.


Indonesia is rich in marine resources, but aggressive overfishing could unravel it all. Could the solution lie in the ancient tradition of Sasi Laut?


Without good data and good science, it is not clear how many species we are losing to extinction.
