
Disordered eating can develop as a way to manage disease symptoms, so recognising the risks can help prevent the problem.


As we learn more about the links between our gut microbiomes and autoimmune disease, it’s hoped new insights will also offer new ways to treat these disorders.


Food consumed by Indians hundreds of years ago is making a comeback as some consumers switch to sustainable cuisine variants.


Choosing foods that are good for us, good for the planet, accessible and affordable is a complex problem to solve. But luckily, research can help.


Many people don’t have a diverse enough diet to get all the micronutrients their bodies need. Could eating more native Australian foods be an answer?


Cancer cachexia affects 50 to 80 percent of people with cancer, but you may never have heard of it.


The link between sweets and diabetes has introduced a new challenge that sweets shops have decided to tackle head-on.


Taxes on sugary drinks can often improve a nation’s economy, rather than having the devastating impact industry has claimed.


Soft-drink manufacturers are targeting Africa, but industry-led pledges to reduce the sale of sugary drinks subvert better government-led policy options.


One in five children in India are too thin, and yet at the same time obesity levels are on the rise.


Switching menus so meat is not the default option dramatically reduces meat consumption. But will the effects last?
