Tourism economies

While traditional tourism has been the mainstay for many economies, smart tourism is the way forward post-COVID.


Tourism often sees tradeoffs between economic, social and environmental interests, but when COVID-19 emerged one city found opportunities.


The Dieng Plateau is a case study of community-led tourism development done well. The programme has helped the entire economic region.


Tourism revenue doesn’t always benefit the local people and economy. It’s time to change that.


Tourism isn’t the problem, mass consumption is. Here’s how we can shift the dial.


Creating new economic structures for tourism will require a fundamental shift in values.


Villagers in the island of Java set the rules for tourists visiting their area, working with the local government to help protect popular sites.


Most of the world’s top cities have at least partially recovered their tourist traffic following the pandemic. But not all have recovered at the same pace.


Pacific Island people were resilient when tourism halted. Now that it’s reopening, the world could learn from what they want.


Regenerative tourism is the next step in sustainable travel and food can play a major role in it.


The pandemic forced workers to jump to other sectors where they found better prospects. There are no quick fixes to bring them back.
