Taming misinformation

Time-starved internet users are developing strategies to cope with misinformation. Understanding how they do it can shape news coverage moving forward.


A scandal involving a fake email, two computer cryptographers and a politician is a lesson for all media before India’s run of elections.


With an election looming and controversial law reform on its way, Indonesia’s government is set to ratchet up its well-oiled propaganda machine.


Seeing might not be believing going forward as digital technologies make the fight against misinformation even trickier for embattled social media giants.


Much like the US Capitol riots, Brazil’s violent uprising shows how quickly misinformation can degrade a democracy.


Algorithms hugely impact our consumption of news, media and much more but very little is known about how they do it.


Misinformation has found a home with conspiracy theorists, some exploiting political divisions and others convinced of its truth.


Disinformation is a profitable business, and one of the most effective ways to slow its spread is to take away the advertising money unwittingly funding it.


Balancing freedom of expression with targeting misinformation is an ongoing challenge, the approaches to tackle it highly variable.


Google and Facebook are hoping to improve their news algorithms to provide a more balanced view. Media industry initiatives could have the solution they need.


Misinformation won’t disappear, but teaching the community to spot it can strip the falsehoods of their power.
