Pakistan election

Former PM Imran Khan’s stunning win in the Pakistan election is swept aside as Nawaz Sharif claims power with the military’s backing.


He may be banned and his party in disarray but Imran Khan will be an influential figure in Pakistan’s election.


After enduring the worst economic crisis of 2023, Pakistan’s next election should be focused on repair and reform. What’s happening is more like musical chairs.


While there are allegations of it being fixed, as a constitutional exercise it is preferable compared to the alternative which is martial law.


While more and more of the country’s voters now live in urban areas, the bulk is still in the countryside. Does this effect voting behaviour?


The Pakistan military does not want a genuinely popular civilian political leader in power


The Pakistan Army manipulates the election process to get a friendly government in place.


As the country faces down an economic crisis, Prime Minister Imran Khan is fending off several challengers.
