Every year, billions of dollars in weapons and other military equipment is shipped across the globe. Explore these transfers in our new interactive map.

Every year, billions of dollars in weapons and other military equipment is shipped across the globe. Explore these transfers in our new interactive map.
Using data from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, 360info has revealed the complex web of arms transfers across the globe each year.
These transfers aren’t just guns: they include air defence systems, armoured vehicles, artillery, engines, missiles, naval weapons, satellites, sensors and other kinds of military equipment.
Use the filter at the bottom of the map to focus on a particular supplier or recipient, or drag the slider to see how transfers have changed over the last 70 years.
Originally published under Creative Commons by 360info™.
Editors Note: In the story “Weapons trade” sent at: 23/08/2022 09:55.
This is a corrected repeat. Minor fix to map embed to facilitate sharing.