
Pacific Island countries are on the frontline of climate change and are leading the way on adaptation and resilience.


Low awareness of the link between heat and eco-anxiety in Indonesia requires a more comprehensive strategy in the campaign.


While rainfall is important, how it is collected, stored and distributed is crucial to dealing with the region’s increasingly drier spells.


The rampant activity reduces freshwater supply in turn affecting crop output, drinking water and the general ecosystem.


For some, leaving the Mekong Delta to find a livelihood is the only option despite the risk of being trafficked into forced labour.


Climate change and increased human activity are putting one of Asia’s most important river systems under duress. It will require a sustained and coordinated effort to fix things.


The Kerala landslide underscores the importance of preserving human lives in the Western Ghats region amid the challenges of climate change.


Irrigation facilities in several Indian states are inadequate increasing the dependence of farmers on the monsoon rains.


To avoid floods, Indian cities need to engage in nuanced, localised and comprehensive planning and development decisions.


For all flood-prone cities of India, there is an urgent need to develop flood inundation maps.


Biodiversity loss, often overshadowed by the immediate threats of climate change, poses a massive threat to humans.
