
Irrigation facilities in several Indian states are inadequate increasing the dependence of farmers on the monsoon rains.


Primary, preventive and public health initiatives at local level must be initiated to prevent vector-borne diseases across India.


To avoid floods, Indian cities need to engage in nuanced, localised and comprehensive planning and development decisions.


For all flood-prone cities of India, there is an urgent need to develop flood inundation maps.


Clues to what’s happening to Antarctica’s ice-sheets – and the world’s sea levels – can be found 127,000 years in the past.


We may punch above our weight when it comes to research, but we certainly don’t in realising the commercial impact from it.


Building tensions between Singapore and Malaysia over its water agreement are setting the two on a collision course over scarcity and sustainability.


Despite being on other sides of the planet, Jakarta and Iowa are staring down similar issues around water hygiene and supply.


South Africa dodged a water disaster in 2018, providing lessons for cities facing similar crises. But copying everything from Cape Town would be a mistake.


Australia attempted a national management plan for its long-suffering Murray-Darling River. Over a decade later, what are the lessons for others?


Tensions around access to and management of water are heightening all over the world. Finding ways to de-escalate and innovate is a matter of life and death.
