
A shorter week reflects a flexible and results-oriented culture, where employees are judged on the quality of work rather than how long they are in the office.


There is no question that we need a more active, creative and capable public service. To do that education and research in the area needs urgent attention.


With rising fees for research journals, India is pressing ahead with a nation-wide subscription to allow more people to access science.


Science is obsessed with measurements of success. Very few of them mean much at all.


Attempts to more fairly share scientific knowledge have had the opposite effect in Africa. But a new initiative is bringing true equity.


Prestige drove Indonesian universities to open their research to the world. Now they need to tidy their files.


India was an early leader in sharing research and information for science. But it has fumbled since then.


A big issue for publishing scientific research has been the cost. With the push for open access, new business models create new challenges for equitable access.


In the face of silence from their universities, students have taken to social media to demand better action against sexual harassment and assault.


#MeToo may not have garnered much traction in Singapore but that didn’t stop women from demanding change.


Editors Andrew Jaspan and Bharat Bhushan of 360info spoke to Professor Adam Habib about the challenges and possibilities of globalised higher education.
