
A science-based approach focusing on prevention, treatment and harm reduction is key to tackling the global drug crisis.


Current drug laws focus on criminalisation, causing high incarceration rates and poor outcomes. Reform is needed to prioritise harm reduction and treatment.


The kingdom’s senatorial selection is a reminder that although Thailand is no longer under a dictatorship, the dictator’s legacy continues to rule.


Addressing youth suicide requires an intersectional and cross-institutional response. Countries need to step up and do their part.


Biodiversity loss, often overshadowed by the immediate threats of climate change, poses a massive threat to humans.


Sustainable eating involves eating food that’s good for you, good for the planet and good for your community.


Treatment for disordered eating should be informed by personal identity struggles that are deeply embedded in specific social, political and economic contexts.


TikTok’s viral fear food challenge aims to aid eating disorder recovery, but experts warn about potential mental health risks without professional support.


Millions face heat stroke risk as Haj coincides with Mecca’s hottest month. Elderly pilgrims and those with chronic illnesses are most vulnerable.


The debate on AI ignores marginalised communities who stand to benefit most. Instead, AI can empower them, fight injustice, and level the playing field.


Iran faces turmoil following its president and foreign minister’s deaths, but continuity is crucial, regardless of June’s election outcome.
