
Changing the quantity, type and timing of food intake is an effective way to to enhance health and increase lifespan and healthspan


In 2024, elections were set to revitalise the democratic agenda for the next generation. Instead, aided by a shattered media landscape, populism ran wild.


As a second bid to impeach Yoon Suk-yeol gathers steam, South Koreans show that democracy’s light still burns brightly in Seoul.


Cyber scams are rising globally, targeting the vulnerable, especially youth. Understanding tactics and regional efforts is key to a safer cyberspace.


The global economy has struggled post-COVID, leading to job losses and hardship. Driven by need, many have turned to costly illegal loans.


Scammers exploit social media, online gaming and other digital platforms to deceive and defraud their younger victims.


COP29 faces some big hurdles to get to the agreements it needs.


Zen eating transforms mealtime into a mindful experience, reconnecting senses to enhance inner wellbeing and daily joy.


Tourism is projected to hit a record $US11 trillion in 2024, but unchecked growth raises concerns about overtourism and its impact on communities.


Public displays of affection between Tim Walz and his son have been criticised as “weird”. But critics could learn much from Walz’s version of masculinity.


The rise of childfree marriages has led to heated debate, especially among Malays. This reflects the deep religious influence on Malaysia’s public discourse.
