social problems

Imagine experiencing the Louvre from your lounge. New digital tools such as AI and virtual reality can help cities better cope with influxes of visitors.


Understanding why chronic gamblers chase wins could help develop strategies to better control their behaviour.


Nearly half of over 14,000 people who took part in a Meta-Gallup social connections study reported some degree of loneliness and some struggled to get help.


It’s not only the physical challenges but also the mental side of living in Antarctica that would make a permanent human settlement there difficult.


India is behind in handling intimate partner violence. Getting on top of the problem requires reform in law, health policy and changing attitudes.


Discussions around the allegations facing Sam Kerr have again highlighted Australia’s problem with racism and attempts to address it.


See and embed our interactives: Women across Asia-Pacific continue to take on a larger share of domestic work and caring for family than men.


Indian law needs clearer definitions regarding punishment, degree of regulation of acid sales, and concrete visions for rehabilitation programs.


Excessive social media use among university students has been linked to a decline in their mental health.


Child marriage has been going on for generations but is harmful. One of the main drivers is to escape poverty but that rarely is the case for victims.


There needs to be a nuanced approach to reintegrating former ISIS women back into western society.
