social issue

Breaking the menopause taboo

Women live an average of 30 years after menopause. Normalising menopause as a life event requires greater research, investment and cultural acceptance.

To improve its performance on the sporting stage, India needs to address malnutrition in children.


New words that seek to express human emotions about the parlous state of our planet are going mainstream.


Low awareness of the link between heat and eco-anxiety in Indonesia requires a more comprehensive strategy in the campaign.


Many parts of society need to come together to better address the problems caused by loneliness in later life.


For people living with mental illnesses, the day-to-day challenges of managing their condition can also increase their risk of social isolation and loneliness.


It’s on the rise and affects people of all body sizes and genders. But binge eating disorder is widely misunderstood and often ignored.


Designing museums for people with disabilities is a critical step towards democratising the arts and challenging power relations within museums.


For museums to be truly inclusive, decolonised and spaces of education and research requires a rethinking of power relations and learning from past lessons.


Increasing social media and smartphones use cops the blame for an increase in youth mental health issues but the reality is not so simple.


India’s new code throws into doubt whether its citizens are truly protected from the arbitrary exercise of power by public officials.


The reshaping of constitutionally guaranteed freedoms by bringing young adults’ sexual choices under the radar of the state has sinister implications.
