
The Living Planet Index measures the average size of species populations. In many parts of the world, they’re still shrinking.


More than a quarter of assessed species are at risk of extinction. But many more will die out before we even give them a name.


Virtual reality and augmented reality offer a game-changing approach to biodiversity management.


Habitat destruction and modification harms biodiversity, and compounds the impacts of climate change and other threats to wildlife.


Biodiversity loss, often overshadowed by the immediate threats of climate change, poses a massive threat to humans.


Despite climate change, corals in the Kimberley region show remarkable resilience to harsh conditions, providing valuable lessons for conservation efforts.


The 160,000 or so species that we’ve assessed are a drop in the bucket compared to the millions thought to exist.


Many people don’t have a diverse enough diet to get all the micronutrients their bodies need. Could eating more native Australian foods be an answer?


As solid waste mounts in developing countries, the authorities must adopt innovative and effective solutions.


Plastics waste and pollution is spiralling into a huge environmental challenge for India. Better coordination and focus could help address it.


Three huge landfills on Delhi’s periphery are at once eyesores and markers of unsustainable consumption.
