
Moves by other countries to impose higher tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles could benefit Australians shopping for a new car.


With proper planning, laws and initiatives, urban commuters can be persuaded to switch from four wheels to two.


By making walkability a central component of how we design our cities, we can create vibrant, inclusive and environmentally sustainable urban landscapes.


Addressing the carbon footprint of transport is critical to achieving the target of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.


Choosing food that is both healthy and good for the planet can be confusing. Here are five myths to avoid to help you make better choices.


Food consumed by Indians hundreds of years ago is making a comeback as some consumers switch to sustainable cuisine variants.


Insights from the natural world are helping us better understand why we overeat and how to rebalance our food system to address the problem.


Microfactories, an innovative approach to extracting value from waste materials, point the way to sustainable production and consumption.


As solid waste mounts in developing countries, the authorities must adopt innovative and effective solutions.


Plastics waste and pollution is spiralling into a huge environmental challenge for India. Better coordination and focus could help address it.


Three huge landfills on Delhi’s periphery are at once eyesores and markers of unsustainable consumption.
