
Breaking the menopause taboo

Women live an average of 30 years after menopause. Normalising menopause as a life event requires greater research, investment and cultural acceptance.

Premiums for car, home and home contents insurance have been on the rise — and for many  households, they’re contributing to cost of living stress.


Worries about putting food on the table face almost half of Australian households. Amid the cost of living crisis, even higher-income households aren’t immune.


Respect for human rights has declined over two decades. But despite a backlash against the international legal order, some players are driving positive change.


The Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Meeting begins in Tonga with many big questions, ranging from the region’s banking crisis to New Caledonia’s unrest.


Pacific Island countries are on the frontline of climate change and are leading the way on adaptation and resilience.


The employment gap for immigrants shrank after the pandemic, but Western Europe still lags behind.


Illegal online casinos are used by criminal gangs to launder billions in profit garnered from transnational crime.


Gambling has evolved over the years to become organised and widespread in India, thanks to its online proliferation.


Understanding why chronic gamblers chase wins could help develop strategies to better control their behaviour.


Problem gambling in India is a ‘major’ public health issue but there are only two institutions to address this clinically.


Societies and governments across the world must act more responsibly to mitigate the adverse effects of problem gambling.
