
An air of inevitability grips France after the first round of parliamentary elections, with the National Rally edging closer to controlling parliament.


As governments ignore pleas from former female ISIS members to return home it undermines human rights and weakens international security.


Within Australia’s borders lies an untapped, skilled and motivated workforce: refugees, ready to contribute and thrive.


Current refugee and human rights law principles still apply when climate change and disasters amplify the risk of displacement.


Rohingya who sought refuge in Bangladesh are boarding boats to Indonesia. But with a new destination comes new challenges.


World Refugee Day comes as global displacement reaches a new high.


New policy has been brought in after EU asylum applications hit a seven-year high, but some warn it has ‘devastating implications’.


Aspiration of an inclusive India has been under threat in the Modi regime.


Rohingya social media activists not only harbour creative ambitions but are also using digital platforms for the community’s empowerment.


The poor conditions at the world’s largest refugee camps have affected both the physical and mental health of the one million occupants.


The stateless Rohingya community with no rights remains the world’s most vulnerable and at high risk of exploitation.
