political campaigns

France’s New Popular Front won the most seats in the parliamentary election but, after avoiding a far-right sweep, does a deadlock lie ahead?


Two years since Roe v. Wade was overturned, there’s reason to believe reproductive rights could affect the outcome of the US presidential race.


After decades of progress, women’s rights are being rolled back by right-wing populist political parties that seek to restore conservative gender hierarchies.


With the Indian election done, the legacy of Narendra Modi’s campaigning and his style of politics finds ground in Europe.


The people of India have rejected Narendra Modi’s majoritarian Hindu politics. Even if Modi’s coalition returns him to power, his message has to change.


India’s politicians recognise the growing influence of women at the ballot box but their schemes to win their votes come with risks.


India and Indonesia’s 2024 elections will shape regional security and prosperity, with both nations tackling populism along with economic and global challenges.


As Vladimir Putin wins another term in the Kremlin, his use of sham elections to legitimise his control poisons democracy’s value globally.


Vladimir Putin will remain as President of Russia. Opposition candidates never had a chance, so what hope is there of turning back the tide on authoritarians.


There was no doubt Vladimir Putin would win Russia’s election, but the amount of people showing up gave this sham vote its veneer of legitimacy.


As Vladimir Putin wins yet another term in the Kremlin, the question remains what is the point in having an election at all?
