nuclear accident

Russia’s experience has shown that the technology can help in reducing carbon emissions but making it widely available will take time.


Removing institutional bottlenecks will attract foreign and domestic participation in India’s nuclear energy programme.


Nuclear energy has been declining in importance as a source of power and SMRs will not reverse that.


Navigating expanded nuclear power generation will require stronger and better safeguards while making sensible use of new technologies.


Surveys over the past decade show that nuclear energy as an energy option is being increasingly accepted in Indonesia.


The possibility of Donald Trump returning to the White House and enacting his ‘America First’ policy could be ‘catastrophic’ for Ukraine.


Japan’s plan to release treated radioactive water from the crippled Fukushima reactor into the ocean has its supporters but is causing ripples in the Pacific.


Public opinion will dictate how Japanese seafood is received after the wastewater is disposed of into the Pacific Ocean.


Fukushima’s fishers have constantly been the last to know about decisions which directly impact their livelihoods and way of life. That needs to change.


Japan faced three options with disposing of radioactive wastewater. All were problematic.


Japan’s plan to release nuclear wastewater from its Fukushima reactor has sparked many questions.
