metal and mineral

Supply of critical minerals is dominated by one country and other nations are moving to diversify their supply chains in response.


Demand for rare earth elements has risen in tandem with the push towards greener technologies and decarbonisation.


China processes the biggest share of the critical minerals needed for the transition to greener sources of energy but other countries are mining them too.


Australia is pulling out all the stops to address India’s critical minerals needs, in the shadow of China’s dominance in the sector.


Australia has the chance to leverage its critical mineral deposits for huge economic gain, but will it also benefit environmentally?


Critical minerals offer African economies a chance to transform — will their governments seize it or will history repeat itself?


Managing expectations around the supply of critical minerals will be key to avoiding conflict and moving the world towards decarbonisation.


Going to the Moon and other planetary bodies in search of natural resources may alleviate critical shortages on Earth.


Meteorites could show us the perfect chemical models we need to end the natural resource crisis — but we don’t have to leave Earth to mine them.


Private companies and governments are reaching for the stars in an effort to ease Earth-bound shortages.


On the ocean floor, robots will gather the rocks and suction pipes and hydraulic lifts will transport these to a surface vessel.
