lifestyle and leisure

Countries can conduct research to reveal employees’ specific strengths and weaknesses to implement tailormade and holistic wellness programmes.


Imagine experiencing the Louvre from your lounge. New digital tools such as AI and virtual reality can help cities better cope with influxes of visitors.


Tourism is projected to hit a record $US11 trillion in 2024, but unchecked growth raises concerns about overtourism and its impact on communities.


Despite health risks and youth vaping surge, Indonesia regulates e-cigarettes instead of banning them.


Ladakh is seeing a form of tourism which relies on climate grief and a desire to escape toxic cities.


Taylor Swift is playing six concerts in Singapore. That’s not played well with other Southeast Asia nations which missed out.


Explore the multifaceted world of sleep, understanding its impact on health and well-being.


Summer holidays in Australia are not what they used to be due to climate change and the increasing threat of bushfires.


While the media paints sportswashing as evil, more research is needed to evaluate whether it is really changing attitudes on the ground.
