justice and rights

India’s former Foreign Secretary Kanwal Sibal has downplayed the need for reparations but reminds the British, “We know what happened” under the empire.


Traditional gender roles that emphasise male authority and female submissiveness are stumbling blocks.


Lack of census data impacts efforts to launch intervention programmes for dwellers in informal settlements.


Governments and industry associations have failed to address the question of safety of women in the entertainment industry.


Both Indian law and society need to change to counter the current stigma felt by members of the queer community.


After decades of progress, women’s rights are being rolled back by right-wing populist political parties that seek to restore conservative gender hierarchies.


International Museum Day provides an opportunity to think about whose stories are told and whose are left out when we commemorate the past.


For museums to be truly inclusive, decolonised and spaces of education and research requires a rethinking of power relations and learning from past lessons.


Student demonstrations at many universities, sparked by the Israel-Hamas conflict, revive an old legacy. But these are different times.


Indian migrant workers have a long history of repression and poor treatment. In 2024, nothing has changed.


Indian diplomatic missions need to closely monitor the security situation and assess the threat perceptions to its communities.
