international military intervention

The so-called ISIS caliphate established in 2014 may no longer exist, and its leadership gone, but the security outlook in its former territories remains bleak.


As Pacific leaders meet in the Cook Islands, is Australia’s double game with AUKUS harming its local relationships?


The discontent of the millions displaced was politicised, eventually leading to a civil war and the birth of a new republic named Bangladesh.


Access to the internet, journalists and a charismatic leader have ensured Ukraine is winning the propaganda war against Russia.


War’s most inflexible factor is time. How Ukraine and Russia’s clocks tick down will decide who wins this war.


War attracts a certain type of tourist as Ukraine has discovered. Apart from safety issues, the legal and ethical ramifications are complex.


The United Nations Arms Trade Treaty has mixed success, but its aims remain worth supporting.


Watching Ukraine suffer at the hands of Russia is likely to strengthen North Korea’s resolve to keep its nuclear weapons.
