human rights

Fifty million people worldwide are trapped in modern slavery, more than half of them in the Asia-Pacific. New laws are forcing greater efforts to stamp it out.


A crisis affecting 50 million people around the world is coming into clearer view.


Indonesia’s child marriage rate remains high, driven by poverty and tradition. Preventing it means dealing with its deep cultural and socio-economic roots.


Increased gender equality has empowered more Icelandic women to choose to remain childfree but it hasn’t dampened societal expectations they will procreate.


It’s not just JD Vance, and it’s not just the US. Almost 30 percent of countries globally now have pronatalist policies — up from 10 percent in the 1970s.


The language used around having children or not shapes societal views, highlighting the need for inclusive terms to respect all reproductive choices.


The right to a healthy environment is being used to challenge government policies on climate change, logging and mining. The global south is leading the way.


Societies don’t just fail to accommodate disability — they can be actively disabling in themselves.


Worries about putting food on the table face almost half of Australian households. Amid the cost of living crisis, even higher-income households aren’t immune.


The moral distinction between liberal democracies and dictatorships is being flattened by the carnage in Gaza.


A ‘tough on crime’ political culture tends to bring the same solution to every crisis: harsher laws. That’s a problem.
