human rights

Sheikh Hasina’s government is faced with the gravest threat to its existence in the face of sustained student agitation.


Both Indian law and society need to change to counter the current stigma felt by members of the queer community.


As governments ignore pleas from former female ISIS members to return home it undermines human rights and weakens international security.


From individual voices to collective movements, Malaysian women are using online tools to challenge discrimination and fight for equality.


Malaysia’s move to amend citizenship laws marks progress for gender equality, but the non-retrospective nature raises concerns.


After decades of progress, women’s rights are being rolled back by right-wing populist political parties that seek to restore conservative gender hierarchies.


Current refugee and human rights law principles still apply when climate change and disasters amplify the risk of displacement.


World Refugee Day comes as global displacement reaches a new high.


New policy has been brought in after EU asylum applications hit a seven-year high, but some warn it has ‘devastating implications’.


Parliament has the power to enshrine human rights protections in federal law. Proposals are on the table.


Combating extreme heat needs action across multiple fronts: governance, health, urban planning and embracing more sustainable lifestyles.
