housing and urban planning

Young voters, angered by being left behind economically and politically, are voting for more extreme candidates in an attempt to be heard. What do they want?


See how the fire season has changed in your part of Australia.


Despite the best intentions, talk from the top hasn’t sufficiently trickled down to widespread actions. A water initiative is trying to help change that.


India’s rapid development needs help, but are the consultants value for money or just cashing in on another big project?


Nearly two decades after the 2004 tsunami devastated the Indian state of Tamil Nadu, trauma from the disaster remains.


Governments around the world are searching for how to fix housing affordability, but the solutions will have to be local and community based.


Cashed-up parents and governments hold the key to helping a generation of Australians buy a home.


A hard-to-see difference in building planning systems is making the business of creating houses a riskier, more expensive gambit in countries like Britain.


The rise in short-term rentals has put pressure on rentals in India to such a degree, it might be time for authorities to step in.


The world faces a squeeze on affordable housing.


Deep groundwater extraction wells are built by the business elites for commercial value. Better transparency will help manage them more sustainably.
