
If a child you love (or teach) is neurodivergent, learning about ”neurodiversity-affirming’’ approaches can help you better understand and support them.


Interventions like art therapy in schools benefit neurodivergent students and their neurotypical peers by promoting empathy and different ways of communicating.


School refusal, or ‘school can’t’, disproportionately impacts neurodivergent students. It is crucial responses to the phenomenon take their needs into account.


Inclusive mainstream schooling is often better than segregated education for students with special needs. But for it to work, several key issues must be fixed.


Neurodivergent children — those with autism, ADHD, dyslexia or other difference in brain functioning — face myriad issues at schools ill-equipped to help them.


What we do and don’t know about how digital technology is affecting our kids’ sleep and what we can do about it.


There’s a lot of fearmongering around children and their interactions with digital technology, but the truth is more nuanced.


No longer a fad, mindfulness practices show promise for reducing feelings of loneliness and can have long-lasting benefits.


As an antidote to loneliness, the Bengali adda culture has no equal.


Both Indian law and society need to change to counter the current stigma felt by members of the queer community.


Singapore’s longevity success hides a dark side — the lonely deaths of its seniors — exposing a need to address social isolation in its ageing population.
